Dear colleague,
The 2020 Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society – European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology – will take place from 7 to 11 September 2020 at the University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA) (

Abstract submission is now open. The scientific programme is accessible at

The Annual Meetings of the EMS aim at fostering cross-fertilisation of ideas, feedback between science and applications, as well as involvement of all the diverse actors in the meteorological and climatological fields. In addition, a complementary focus of the 2020 Annual Meeting will be:
“Europe and droughts: Hydrometeorological processes, forecasting and preparedness“.
Find more details at

You are welcome to forward this information to anyone who might be interested in participating and contributing to these meetings.
We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Kategóriák: Konferenciák